Burning Children and the Duty to Resist
In May 1968 Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan wrote a statement on behalf of the Catonsville Nine as to why they were performing an act of civil disobedience in protest of the Vietnam War. It reads,…
In May 1968 Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan wrote a statement on behalf of the Catonsville Nine as to why they were performing an act of civil disobedience in protest of the Vietnam War. It reads,…
1. We must expel Arabs and take their places… and, if we have to use force—not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan, but to guarantee our own right to settle in those…
By politicide I mean a process that has, as its ultimate goal, the dissolution of the Palestinian people’s existence as a legitimate social, political, and economic entity…. Politicide is a process that covers a wide…
U.S. historian Howard Zinn once said, “The Holocaust might serve a powerful purpose if it led us to think of the world today as wartime Germany — where millions die while the rest of the population…
Sumud, Arabic, noun, state of perseverance; samid (masculine form): the steadfast, the persevering, samdeh, feminine form; samidin, plural. Sumud is watching your home turned into a prison. You, Samid, choose to stay in that prison…
1. That is precisely what I have been trying to elicit all these years: Outrage, outrage, and offense at what Israel is making a million and a half immiserated people Living in the Strip endure….
Israeli historian Benny Morris: Remember another thing The Arab people gained a large slice of the planet Not thanks to its skills or its great virtues But because it conquered and murdered And forced those…
Anybody you catch outside his home First thing you beat him with a truncheon All over his body Except for his head Don’t have pity on anyone Don’t explain anything Beat first Then after You…
French intellectual Françoise Vergès observed: “Europe’s colonial domination has been the subject of a profound forgetting. This forgetting should be seen as a system: it is vital, for instance, to place the history of slavery…
With the establishment of a Palestinian state, we wish to see the end of the conflict. The Palestinians will be able to celebrate their independence if on that same day they also strike the word…