Lexicon (The Way It Looked in 2003)

By politicide I mean a process that has, as its ultimate goal, the dissolution of the Palestinian people’s existence as a legitimate social, political, and economic entity…. Politicide is a process that covers a wide…


U.S. historian Howard Zinn once said, “The Holocaust might serve a powerful purpose if it led us to think of the world today as wartime Germany — where millions die while the rest of the population…


Sumud, Arabic, noun, state of perseverance; samid (masculine form): the steadfast, the persevering, samdeh, feminine form; samidin, plural. Sumud is watching your home turned into a prison. You, Samid, choose to stay in that prison…


1. That is precisely what I have been trying to elicit all these years: Outrage, outrage, and offense at what Israel is making a million and a half immiserated people Living in the Strip endure….

The Way It Looked in 2004

Israeli historian Benny Morris: Remember another thing The Arab people gained a large slice of the planet Not thanks to its skills or its great virtues But because it conquered and murdered And forced those…

Remembering and Forgetting/2

French intellectual Françoise Vergès observed: “Europe’s colonial domination has been the subject of a profound forgetting. This forgetting should be seen as a system: it is vital, for instance, to place the history of slavery…