Andrew & Joan

Andrew Ivers continues to guide me when it comes to the delights of the Western Canon. Last week I asked him where I should start with Joan Didion and without hesitation he suggested Slouching towards…

Two Questions from Glenn Greenwald

Does anyone really believe that there are massive gaps — massive gaps –between the world view of multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi and multi-millionaire Mitch McConnell, both of whom are married to people who also wield extreme…

Reckoning with Ourselves

I recently finished a course with my friends Dianne Lee and Martín Antonio Zaldívar-Barragán, “Reckoning with Russia, War, and Ourselves.” We read and discussed Tolstoy, Kuznetsov, Alexievich, and Politkovskaya. I invite you to check out…

Glenn Greenwald and the Gospels

Today I received by email a Substack article by Glenn Greenwald, which is worth reading: Values and Character v. Political Identity: Some Personal Reflections–“The Brazilian firefighter, union leader, evangelical and ex-Congressman Cabo Daciolo was once…

Ed Snowden, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald

Check out Matt Taibbi’s article today, The Washington Post Dabbles in Orwell: In scrubbed piece about Edward Snowden, the Bezos Post offers a preview of how history will be re-written. Here’s the penultimate paragraph: “That…

Patisotagāmi and NATO

The following will offer you a different take on Russia, Ukraine, and NATO than you hear in the mainstream media: Russell Brand with Aaron Maté: We Have Been Lied To… [11.5 minutes] Scott Ritter: NATO…

Open to Receive Others’ Viewpoints

Do not think that the knowledge that you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth.  Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views.  Learn and practice nonattachment from views in order to be open to receive…

Danielle Mackey

I’ve known Danielle since 2006 when she took a SLU Social Justice class with me after she’d studied abroad in El Salvador, which, it is safe to say, transformed her life. Since then, we’ve spent…