After Attending the SOA Watch by Carol Wright
A year ago, many of us were in a course called Writing as a Spiritual Practice. Carol was part of that gang, and she just sent me the following reflection, which I offer for your consideration….
A year ago, many of us were in a course called Writing as a Spiritual Practice. Carol was part of that gang, and she just sent me the following reflection, which I offer for your consideration….
(Or, How to Treat Those Who Are in Your Way, Actually or Potentially) Several of us are beginning to make our way through Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. A couple of…
1. It was Ash Wednesday 1983. In a darkened sanctuary with some lighted candles, an unfamiliar Catholic priest and several other people entered the sanctuary and sat in the front row. The people wearing bandanas…
1. “I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.” –Che Guevara 2. ” Love is the most important ingredient in nonviolent work.” –Cesar Chavez
1. Archbishop Oscar Romero once stated, “Christ invites us not to fear persecution. Believe me, brothers and sisters, Anyone committed to the poor Must suffer the same fate as the poor. And in El Salvador…
During a recent theological conversation with a friend in Louisville, I mentioned several thinkers and writers who had been very influential on me over these years. That exchange led to this concise collage…. 1. For…
In class we are currently reading Like Grains of Wheat: A Spirituality of Solidarity by Marie Dennis and Margaret Swedish. The authors interview scores of North Americans who had their eyes opened by their relationships with Central…
I came across the following passage on mothers of the disappeared from Daniel Berrigan’s Steadfastness of The Saints: A Journal of Peace and War in Central and North America, in which he writes about his visits…
This was written in 2005 and I am sharing it here for friends who may be headed this weekend to Fort Benning. For some of us, the story of Father Roy Bourgeois is familiar. We…
The Jesuits clearly influenced me with their strict organization, their discipline, and their values. [p. 118] I believe that Christ was a great revolutionary. That’s what I believe. His entire doctrine was devoted to the…