“Tomorrow Belongs to Me”

“Music can madden and it can help heal the broken mind.  If it can be the ‘food of love,’ it can also trigger the feasts of hatred.” –George Steiner, Errata:  An Examined Life, 81.

Song of the Night

Norm Finkelstein recommended this song, and now so do I! Now if you feel that you can’t go onBecause all of your hope is goneAnd your life is filled with much confusionUntil happiness is just…

Dylan’s Tweets

Yesterday I had lunch and spent some time with Andrew Ivers, a gentleman and a scholar, at Courtesy Diner on Hampton. Of course, we eventually came around to Bob Dylan, after Andrew gave me a…

In Appreciation

“Her records were the first evidence that one did not fight alone. It was playing of such uprightness, to put it into the moral sphere. There was such a sense of repose that had nothing…

Inspiration for the Day (or Decade)

 If I hadn’t heard the Robert Johnson record when I did, there probably would have been hundreds of lines of mine that would have been shut down—that I wouldn’t have felt free enough or upraised…


Dear Zosia, I was playing some Dylan a while ago as I was trying to get my study in some semblance of order. Then I picked his Chronicles off the shelf and opened to the section when…