The Mystical, The Existential

Dear Bella Levenshteyn I was reading Pierre Hadot’s Plotinus, or The Simplicity of Vision, and the following passage reminded me of our recent discussion at Café Disponibilidade. Suggestion: read a few pages of Hadot on…

The Knight of the Mournful Countenance

“The calling that I profess,” replied DQ, “does not permit me to do otherwise.  An easy pace, pleasure, and repose — those things were invented for delicate courtiers; but toil, anxiety, and arms — they…

Let Emily Dickinson Reassure You

Dear Bella Levenshteyn Let Emily Dickinson reassure you– Much Madness is divinest Sense — To a discerning Eye — Much Sense — the starkest Madness — ‘Tis the Majority In this, as All, prevail —…

This Is It

Sitting with Hedy At the end Is like sitting with Mev At the end Breathing in, calm Breathing out, present This quiet moment This only moment

Finding Treasures

In my basement I come across a thick file “Maggie Rose Murphy” is on the folder It bulges Poems & postcards & letters galore From throughout the 1980s Your scientific acumen Has long been respected…

Safety First

Royesha told me Since her brother’s come back from Iraq He’s been having nightmares At family gatherings, parties He always positions himself in the far corner in the biggest room To be able to see…


20 years old She was in the Adult Learning Academy To brush up on reading, writing, and math skills I offered feedback and encouragement on her writing After graduating from the ALA She wanted to…

Guest Speaker

You came to class to tell your story As you surely had done many times elsewhere How you became a serious Muslim While at a West Coast Jesuit university I’d heard many stories about you From…

If You Dare

Dear Bella Levenshteyn Here’s an assignment YOU’LL NEVER FOLLOW THROUGH ON— 1. Select five of your dearest friends; 2. ask each to email or text you five of your most wonderful traits; 3. give them…