War Isn’t Over

Dear Laura Last night I was reading Frances Fitzgerald’s Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam This afternoon I listened to a playlist I made Of songs from the Vietnam War…

Magnolia Grove

My friend Sherri put together this tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh’s community in Mississippi, Magnolia Grove.  I hope you enjoy it in mindfulness!

Gatha of the Week/2

“Waking up this morning, I smile Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.” –Thich Nhat Hanh, Present…

A Comment on a Passage by Thich Nhat Hanh

During the superpower confrontation in Vietnam, while thousands and thousands of peasants and children lost their lives, our land was unmercifully ravaged. –Thich Nhat Hanh, Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change   The…

We Inter-Continue

I continue in you You continue in me Maybe you will influence life In northwest China in 15 years Maybe I will influence life In southern Nigeria in 22 years We are the continuation of…

An Achievable Goal

“I vow to bring joy to one person in the morning and to help relieve the suffering of one person in the afternoon.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh

Keep It Simple

“I vow to bring joy to one person in the morning and to help relieve the suffering of one person in the afternoon.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh


Thở vào tâm tĩnh lặng, Thở ra miệng mỉm cười. An trú trong hiện tại, Giây phút đẹp tuyệt vời.