Today’s One-Liner (#108)
Nothing is more difficult to overcome than the problems we thought were already overcome.–Alexis de Tocqueville, via my friend Suzanne Renard
Nothing is more difficult to overcome than the problems we thought were already overcome.–Alexis de Tocqueville, via my friend Suzanne Renard
The memory of you keeps callin’ after me like a rollin’ train –Bob Dylan, Brownsville Girl
The most intolerant places you can be these days is the academic campus. –Thomas Sowell, quoted in Jason L. Riley, Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell
If you can’t get out of it, get into it. –Patricia Ryan Madson, Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up, 11.
On Monday 4 November, Katrina shared the following with our class, Saints, Mystics, and the Neighbor Next Door… Whenever I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep writing about love in…
Few people want to be saints nowadays, but everybody is trying to lose weight. ––René Girard, Maxim #30, in All Desire Is a Desire for Being: Essential Writings, edited by Cynthia L. Haven.
Dogmatism buckles under pressure from reality. –Nellie Bowles, “The Failure of San Francisco,” in Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History
It is a good idea, then, to keep in touch, and I suppose that keeping in touch is what notebooks are all about. –Joan Didion, “On Keeping a Notebook,” in Slouching towards Bethlehem Sao Paulo,…
Even if you lack all faith, simply to seat yourself before an image, hold a rosary and take up a sutra book is to perform a virtuous act, however perfunctory, even seated on your meditation…
Do I contradict myself?Very well then I contradict myself,(I am large, I contain multitudes.) –Walt Whitman, Song of Myself, 53 [Soen Nakagawa] had many faces: he was a simple monk, a “crazy wisdom” Zen master,…