Crucifixion & Resurrection

1. All that could happen to one who joined: Imprisoned, hooded, beaten, castrated, eyes pulled out, Buried alive, burned alive. 2. When I saw the disinterred bones of the two of you I remembered you…

The Path

I came to the revolution by way of the gospels. It was not by reading Marx but Christ. It can be said that the Gospels made me a Marxist…. –Ernesto Cardenal    


“[Shoshani] didn’t teach piety; he taught the texts. The texts are more fundamental—and vaster—than piety. “ –Emmanuel Levinas

On Ryōkan

The following was written about Japanese Zen Master Ryōkan by a friend… When Ryōkan visits it is as if spring had come on a dark winter’s day. His character is pure and he is free of…

Communities of Resistance

Dear Sangha, I’ve been rereading book I first encountered back in the 1980s, The Raft Is Not the Shore.  (This title will remind some of us of our recent sutra readings.) It’s a dialogue between Thich…

Compromismo/2 (Reading/3)

Dear Professor So last night I went with my friends to this bar The same bar they’ve been going to for two years Drinking the same overpriced drinks they always drink Making the same chit-chat…

Leçon de français d’aujourd’hui

Un poème de Thich Nhat Hanh Ne dites pas, je serai parti demain, car je ne cesse de naître, aujourd’hui encore. Regardez en profondeur : je nais à chaque seconde bourgeon sur une branche printanière,…

How Father Ignacio Ellacuría Saw Us

In regard to the ideal of the dominant old human being in the so-called North Atlantic and Western Christian civilization, certain features have to be rejected. These include its radical insecurity which leads it to…