The Art of Stopping

We practice to have enough strength to confront problems effectively. To do this, we must be calm, fresh, and solid. That is why we need to practice the art of stopping. When we learn to…


Dear Fatima, You’re one of the most enthusiastic, ardent devotees of reading I know.  So I’d like to introduce you to a person who is an amazing reader and recommend his short book to you…

Crucifixion & Resurrection

1. All that could happen to one who joined: Imprisoned, hooded, beaten, castrated, eyes pulled out, Buried alive, burned alive. 2. When I saw the disinterred bones of the two of you I remembered you…

The Path

I came to the revolution by way of the gospels. It was not by reading Marx but Christ. It can be said that the Gospels made me a Marxist…. –Ernesto Cardenal    


“[Shoshani] didn’t teach piety; he taught the texts. The texts are more fundamental—and vaster—than piety. “ –Emmanuel Levinas

On Ryōkan

The following was written about Japanese Zen Master Ryōkan by a friend… When Ryōkan visits it is as if spring had come on a dark winter’s day. His character is pure and he is free of…

Communities of Resistance

Dear Sangha, I’ve been rereading book I first encountered back in the 1980s, The Raft Is Not the Shore.  (This title will remind some of us of our recent sutra readings.) It’s a dialogue between Thich…