By Little and Little

One makes a better world by what Dostoevsky liked to call “microscopic actions.” When you walk down the street, Zossima tells the other monks, don’t scowl. A kindly look can shift a person’s mood and…

Take Charge

Mr. Elphinston talked of a new book that was much admired, and asked Dr. Johnson if he had read it.  JOHNSON:  “I have looked into it.”  “What (said Elphinston) have you not read it through?” …

Blissful and Blithe

Yet we to whom the shortness of life has given frequent occasions of contemplating mortality, can, without emotion, see generations of men pass away, and are at leisure to establish modes of sorrow, and adjust…

Beware/Be Aware of Anger

The maxim which Periander of Corinth, one of the seven sages of Greece, left as a memorial of his knowledge and benevolence, was χολου κρατει, Be master of thy anger. He considered anger as the…

What Came First

I was reading C.K. Williams’s book On WhitmanSeptember 2010And I scribbled on page 97 these three.. A NameAn AvowalA Maxim– Kelly McBride“You Are My Hero”Seven times down, eight times up The “Hero” referenceI’d first scribbled…

Dear Anya

Thank you for your cool list of queries which I saw after I got back from vacation at Blue-Eye, Missouri! I will start  with an easy one:  “Favorite Book”— The Brothers Karamazovby Fyodor Dostoevskyas translated by…