What Came First

I was reading C.K. Williams’s book On WhitmanSeptember 2010And I scribbled on page 97 these three.. A NameAn AvowalA Maxim– Kelly McBride“You Are My Hero”Seven times down, eight times up The “Hero” referenceI’d first scribbled…

Dear Anya

Thank you for your cool list of queries which I saw after I got back from vacation at Blue-Eye, Missouri! I will start  with an easy one:  “Favorite Book”— The Brothers Karamazovby Fyodor Dostoevskyas translated by…


Allen wanted to see everything, do everything, and meet everyone. 267 Bill Morgan, I Celebrate Myself: The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg Recently, I have read biographies of Goethe and Proust.  Today I finished…

Writing Matters

This much the outsider can make out. He looks at the harrowing of Pushkin, at Gogol’s despair, at Dostoevsky’s term in Siberia, at Tolstoy’s volcanic struggle against censorship, or at the long catalogue of the…

So Be It!

“They say:  sufferings are misfortunes,” said Pierre.  “But if at once, this minute, I was asked, would I remain what I was before I was taken prisoner, or go through it all again, I should…

Like Being in Warsaw in 1941

Merely to know that somewhere, far away, there are men who torture other men by inflicting all sorts of humiliations and inhuman degradations and sufferings on them; and for three months constantly to look on…

Neo-Pagan Elites

No longer able to believe in the Church religion, which had betrayed its own lie, and unable to adopt the true Christian teaching, which denied their entire life, these wealthy and powerful people, being left…