In a Parallel Universe/3

Sister Diana Ortiz put her arm Around one of the Hijazzi brothers Who’d recently gotten out of an Israeli prison And whispered to him, “I know…”


Dear Bella Levenshteyn Johnny Yau and I came up with the following “application form” After drinking a couple of beers the other night Maybe you’d be willing to see If you’re ready to go to…


Until one is committed There is hesitancy The chance to draw back Always ineffectiveness Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) There is one elementary truth The ignorance of which Kills countless ideas and splendid…

The Way It Looked in 2007

Beneath all the proclamations about Arab terrorism And the ethical nobility of the Jewish state Expropriation by any means necessary Is the master narrative necessary To comprehend the history of Israel/Palestine And so we arrive…

A Former Student Has Her Say

I was foolish to think I could get anything done in that café Someone invariably would come up to me and want to talk Like that Thursday, M marched right up to my table And…