Just Received a Book in Today’s Mail…
And opened to a random page which was “xi” of Arundhati Roy’s foreword to the re-issue of Noam Chomsky’s For Reasons of State She writes: Perhaps this belief in its own divinity also explains why…
And opened to a random page which was “xi” of Arundhati Roy’s foreword to the re-issue of Noam Chomsky’s For Reasons of State She writes: Perhaps this belief in its own divinity also explains why…
Every day during the years of conflict in Central America, tortured bodies were found along roadsides—as in Jesus’ day the crucified victims of the Roman Empire were displayed on the side of the road—to instill…
Now that you’re headed to _________ And people are wishing that you’ll have a “great” experience I hope you have a non-“great” experience If “great” means photo-ops Looking good with beautiful smiling native children After…
From Marty King’s kitchen, during Be in Love with Yr Life class
One of the best books I’ve ever read is by Gloria Emerson, Winners and Losers: Battles, Retreats, Gains, Losses and Ruins from a Long War. A major themes in the book is how the Vietnam War affected Americans (or…
What I saw then was this fairly obvious faculty of art: that it goes on, it lasts a bit longer that our frail human lives—it offers comfort. The vision is more enduring than our persons—it…
–Anne Milne, 3.26.2015 Be in Love with Yr Life writing course DeMun Avenue/Clayton
A work of art is something you make, something you give to other people. It’s an object for use, and people can make many different uses of the same work. Susan Sontag
I ask you faithful people who listen to me with love and devotion to pardon me for saying this, but it gives me more pleasure that my enemies listen to me. I know that the…
Dear Dr. C, This is a long time coming, but I’ve put off writing this because I want to say it right. Then again, if I’ve learned anything from you and Natalie Goldberg, it’s that…