So What

Dear Srimatiji So what if David Harvey’s Marxist analysis is verified by each day’s dispiriting news? “Full effort is full victory.” So what if the interlocking system of oppressions appears stronger with each passing month?…

With Anandamayi Ma at Gelateria

for Dr. Amy Afanasevich After meditating way past midnight I went to my mat and fell asleep And soon in a dream Sri Anandamayi Ma and I are having a  tête-à-tête She looks mid-twenties She is…

Going for Broke

I had been pushed as far as I could stand to be pushed and decided that I would have to know once and for all what rights I had as a human being and a…

The Roles That Made It Possible

Neither superhuman nor subhuman Neither God Nor animal Nor monster. But always simply Additional kinds of humans: The bomb droppers The capo The body burners The throat slashers The exterminators in the forest The scalpers…

I Love Self-Righteous People!

Dear Bella Levenshteyn I’m astounded on a daily basis: The hand-written letters I receive From dear ones via the USPS!!! In my circle of near and far-flung friends We are keeping alive this art form…