It’s OK

It’s OK to forget to do gratitudes when you most need them It’s OK to be grumpy for between seven and nine minutes It’s OK to feel like everyone is smarter than you (but for…

Metta for a Psychiatrist

May you be filled with loving kindness For the kids on the edge of urban doom May you be well Unfazed by the hourly bureaucratic hoops May you be peaceful and at ease Before the…

The Glory of Ordinary

There we sat at Cafe Ventana Two hours on a Thursday afternoon You heard my shtick about “Be average” My neurotic update on Dear Layla Your serenity (so it seems to me) About your future…

Taking Sides

Carol, you posted, “Alas, Mark, must we always ‘Take sides’–or is there a middle way?” You know the Buddha would say there’s a middle way, for sure. You saw what Dom Pedro did, no “ifs,…

Remembering the Dead/2

Dear Shimmelstoy I was moved by what you mentioned about Joel His is a private commemoration Which for some reason reminds me of Yankev Glatshteyn (If you haven’t read him yet, get’s Fein’s translation In…