
Sometimes you encounter people who are so pure, beautiful, and content. They give you the impression that they are divine, that they are actually saints or holy beings. What you perceive in them is their…

Daily Gatha

Picking up the mail from the floor I vow with all beings To open and read each personal letter With calm appreciation

Good News

My good news is I’m still employed My good news is I have loads of work that isn’t for pay My good news is I get to meet ordinary, fascinating people like the ones at…

A Little Encouragement

Dear Bella Levenshteyn You texted you were concerned Your poetry output hasn’t been consistent lately Output flows from input And you’re getting plenty of input At your new position with the farmworkers, right? Lots of thoughts…

The Art of Stopping

We practice to have enough strength to confront problems effectively. To do this, we must be calm, fresh, and solid. That is why we need to practice the art of stopping. When we learn to…


I am connected to Lindsay We are really into our notebooks I am connected to Sarah When she was my 18 year-old student I was her 39 year-old prof I am connected to Jane We’re…