Reading Galeano

Lindsay Weston recently wrote me Asked if I could recommend anything to read Instantly I thought of the trilogy So long on my shelf Barely perused but Now may be the time! I sent word…

A Subversive Question

The Military Police have told you that all The Church should worry about is “souls” But what about the children starved by corporations? –Ernesto Cardenal, Epistle to Monsignor Casaldáliga

From Walt through Me to You

Allons! the road is before us! It is safe—I have tried it—my own feet have tried it well. Allons! be not detain’d! Let the paper remain on the desk unwritten, and the book on the…

Give, Give, and Give Some More

Give away career advice Give dropping-out-of-grad-school encouragement Give reminders of the lojong slogans (“Don’t ponder others”) Give away Harold Bloom’s Western Canon reading list Give a 9 by 12 b/w photo by M. Puleo Give…

Crucifixion & Resurrection

1. All that could happen to one who joined: Imprisoned, hooded, beaten, castrated, eyes pulled out, Buried alive, burned alive. 2. When I saw the disinterred bones of the two of you I remembered you…

The Path

I came to the revolution by way of the gospels. It was not by reading Marx but Christ. It can be said that the Gospels made me a Marxist…. –Ernesto Cardenal    


Exteriorismo is a poetry created with images of the exterior world, the world we see and sense, and that is, in general, the specific world of poetry. Exteriorismo is objective poetry: narrative and anecdote, made…