Why Shakespeare Matters/2 by Magan Wiles
Magan studied Social Justice with me in 2004; did theater work with refugee kids through Center for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma as well as Playback Theater; worked with ISM in Palestine in 2006;…
Magan studied Social Justice with me in 2004; did theater work with refugee kids through Center for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma as well as Playback Theater; worked with ISM in Palestine in 2006;…
He who is without sin, let him throw the first stone Let him drop the first canisters of napalm Let him rain down white prosperous on those under ten years of age Let him justify…
I’ve asked a few friends, a good portion of whose lives have been in the theater, if they’d be willing to write on the following topic because I was curious how they’d respond: Why Shakespeare…
Dear Fatima, You’re one of the most enthusiastic, ardent devotees of reading I know. So I’d like to introduce you to a person who is an amazing reader and recommend his short book to you…
Every minute you practice will build and strengthen this energy in you. —Thích Nhất Hạnh One minute of life is one minute to serve the revolution. —Đặng Thùy Trâm
You read these few lines On October 3, 2014 For a few seconds of your one and only precious life In an hour you probably won’t remember these lines In a month you likely won’t…
Happy when Amazon.com doesn’t faze me Happy shutting up Happy patiently watering the impatiens Happy to be Joanie’s Feldenkrais student Happy to enjoy I’m Not Bossy, I’m the Boss
Some of you may have read this before (Some of you have lived through this with me!) I’ve been in many intense conversations lately Which have reminded me of the centrality Of accompaniment, which is love in…