Give, Give, and Give Some More

Give away career advice Give dropping-out-of-grad-school encouragement Give reminders of the lojong slogans (“Don’t ponder others”) Give away Harold Bloom’s Western Canon reading list Give a 9 by 12 b/w photo by M. Puleo Give…

Crucifixion & Resurrection

1. All that could happen to one who joined: Imprisoned, hooded, beaten, castrated, eyes pulled out, Buried alive, burned alive. 2. When I saw the disinterred bones of the two of you I remembered you…

The Path

I came to the revolution by way of the gospels. It was not by reading Marx but Christ. It can be said that the Gospels made me a Marxist…. –Ernesto Cardenal    


Exteriorismo is a poetry created with images of the exterior world, the world we see and sense, and that is, in general, the specific world of poetry. Exteriorismo is objective poetry: narrative and anecdote, made…

In Demand

A friend told me She went to her branch library Disappointed to find out Dead Poets Society‘s 10 copies Have 135 holds on them


“[Shoshani] didn’t teach piety; he taught the texts. The texts are more fundamental—and vaster—than piety. “ –Emmanuel Levinas


Yesterday I was reading a history of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan In one of the chapters The author noted  that during the war The US thought of the Japanese As…