Soul’s Soundtrack
Before coming to tonight’s writing class I listened to a song from my youth George Harrison late 1970 My Sweet Lord I think I could go far in mettā If I allowed that song to penetrate…
Before coming to tonight’s writing class I listened to a song from my youth George Harrison late 1970 My Sweet Lord I think I could go far in mettā If I allowed that song to penetrate…
The Boeing Company must have been thrilled this past month Its warplanes performing so expertly in front of the world And Boeing is proud of its “products” and its customers Conflicts, massacres, wars They’re all…
In our modern American culture, is it possible to make counter-cultural choices in your career and lifestyle – working less hours, living more simply, etc. – without going so far as living on a commune? How…
The mists rise over The still pools at Asuka. Memory does not Pass away so easily. –Yamabe no Akahito, 8th century translated by Kenneth Rexroth
Dear Carla What’s it to the CEOs of the corporations happily ensconced in the Military-Industrial Complex If their “products” are used to burn flesh To burn it to a crisp Specifically 34 year-old father flesh…
1. U.S. critics refer to “Hamas’s genocidal charter” as odious. No doubt it is. Of course, the U.S. was a practitioner of genocide of the indigenous population across this land. Perhaps a few of those…
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and…
for Savannah Thich Nhat Hanh’s poem “The Good News” is good news Universal Design is good news Sunday potlucks are good news Song lyrics dedicated to a friend are good news Vigiling for Palestine is…
This poem is pure Allen, Lovable and vain Allen to the end You gotta love him– Evidently, lots of men did Rereading this poem Lights my fire “He taught me how to meditate, now I’m…
So we need poets to challenge received notions, tell us what we don’t know, ask the questions we can’t answer, and wake us up to both doom and Utopia. — Translator and essayist Eliot Weinberger…