Compromismo/2 (Reading/3)

Dear Professor So last night I went with my friends to this bar The same bar they’ve been going to for two years Drinking the same overpriced drinks they always drink Making the same chit-chat…

Leçon de français d’aujourd’hui

Un poème de Thich Nhat Hanh Ne dites pas, je serai parti demain, car je ne cesse de naître, aujourd’hui encore. Regardez en profondeur : je nais à chaque seconde bourgeon sur une branche printanière,…

How Father Ignacio Ellacuría Saw Us

In regard to the ideal of the dominant old human being in the so-called North Atlantic and Western Christian civilization, certain features have to be rejected. These include its radical insecurity which leads it to…

The Way It Didn’t Turn Out

When the Roman pontiff Stood at the Bethlehem Wall All he had to do was summon The courage and compassion To afflict the comfortable And comfort the afflicted And say “Palestine must be free”