Share the Wealth: Soldiers’ Stories
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you. -Zora Neale Hurston Last July at Fatimas’s, Chris Wallach did a Share the Wealth on her father’s experiences in World War II. She read…
We Inter-Are
“What is one’s personality, detached from that of the friends with whom fate happens to have linked one? I cannot think of myself apart from the influence of the two or three greatest friendships of…
Metta Meditation/122
May Eileen be filled with loving-kindness (for her family and dry-cleaner personnel) May Eileen be well (in body and spirit) May Eileen be peaceful and at ease (upon rising in the morning and turning in…
A Doctor and a Child: Christmas Eve in Managua
Fernando Silva ran the children’s hospital in Managua. On Christmas Eve, he worked late into the night. Firecrackers were exploding and fireworks lit up the sky when Fernando decided it was time to leave. They…
Always Mantain only a Joyful Heart
Dear Chris, Thanks to you, I now have the following favorite Alice Walker poems from The World Will Follow Joy: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Democratic Womanism Hope to Sin Only in the Service…
“Who are my contemporaries?” Juan Gelman asks himself. Juan says that sometimes he comes across [people] who smell of fear, in Buenos Aires, Paris, or anywhere in the world, and feels that these [people] are…
The Slow and the Rich
“I want to do things like that that seem to me to be about creating a space where people can kick back, eat, laugh, tell stories, be comfortable, and by extension send that vibration across…
Share the Wealth with Beth Mueller: Negotiating Violence in Scripture: Listening to “Minor” Characters
Oftentimes, people let me know that if they read the Bible, they tend to stray away from the Old Testament. The violence and destruction in many of these texts can paint a disturbing portrait of…
The Bell Is for All of You
“Anything you are attached to, let it go.” –Buddhist teaching I gave that bell to Mev 25 years ago It must have been sounded 10,000 times Pete heard it In fall of 2001 You heard…