May We Always Be Amateurs

Nonrequired Reading: Prose Pieces Wislawa Szymborska Translated from the Polish by Clare Cavanagh Herein are a few score short pieces by the Nobel laureate (Literature, 1996), usually no more than a page or two, although…

Gratitude Journal/7

Dear Doc, Thank you for leaving voice messages for me. You may say three or four sentences, but your voice is always calming to me. (I trust that your voice has that same beneficent effect…

The Task of Our Lifetime

The ideological position common to nearly everyone in the system is that America is best, its ideals perfect, its history spotless, its actions and society at the highest levels of human achievement and greatness. To…

U.S. Ruthlessness

The leaders of the United States of Amnesia prattle on about our love for democracy, human rights, the rule of law, etc. But Abbie Hoffman knew the truth… “No one who read the fine print of…

Us, Ruthless? Never

I suspect that the Washington Post never used the word “ruthless” to describe Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger’s bombing of North Vietnam.  Only the Giaps, Castros, and Arafats of the world are “ruthless.”

Gratitude Journal/6

Dear Kelley, Thanks for this week’s nocturnal emails expressing indignation,  that, yes, injustice continues to spread misery all over the planet.  What can I say in response?  How  can we resist being colonized, mentally enslaved…

Rant/1 (Welcome to Palestine/2)

From an internet cafe Somewhere on the outskirts of Ramallah 80 degrees and sunny outside Dear Layla So in your last email (Which I’ve read four times as of this morning) You wanted to know…

How We Love Each Other

You often say to me With smiling encouragement “No worries!” Then I take a big deep breath I sometimes remind you With beaming confidence “No hurries!” Then you stop and stand still