Sufrir no es suficiente

Thích Nhất Hạnh: La vida está llena de sufrimiento, pero también ofrece muchas maravillas como el cielo azul, la luz del sol, los ojos de un niño. Sufrir no es suficiente; debemos, además, entrar en…


No sipping Northeast Coffee latte supreme with whipped cream No texting someone I’ll see in ten minutes No zoning out to Diane Rehm No penciling out the evening workout on a crumpled scratch pad No…

It’s About

As I offer to share a 250-page novel/collage (Dear Layla/Welcome to Palestine) With a friend here and there A typical question is– “What’s it about?” OK It’s about good mimesis It’s about memory, resistance and…

Writing To Wake Up Course

Writing to Wake Up: A Course in Creativity and Community Think about it: Even with all our technologies and modes of communication, who has enough time?  And yet, we need time, as community activist Grace…

A Counter Friction To Stop the Machine

The case of Bradley Manning matters. The reason is simple: He touched a nerve. Before releasing over 250,000 diplomatic cables to Wikileaks, Manning commented, “Hilary Clinton, and several thousand diplomats around the world are going…