Beethoven, Smiling
In the posh concert hall The renowned symphony orchestra is going to town Offering the rapt, elegant audience A rousing rendition A awesome interpretation Of the Ninth Symphony Lo and behold it’s the famed Fourth…
In the posh concert hall The renowned symphony orchestra is going to town Offering the rapt, elegant audience A rousing rendition A awesome interpretation Of the Ninth Symphony Lo and behold it’s the famed Fourth…
For Suzanne Renard & Andrew Wimmer Haven’t you had such a fantasy Sure, a different decade A different civilization being destroyed Different men The same crimes Getting away with mass murder Mind movies of…
She was an undergraduate at Georgetown Her father was a successful, ambitious, and wealthy man She and he had an arrangement That was based on total candor Mid-evening he would call her from New York…
It’s pounded into our heads since kindergarten It gradually inflates the metallic balloon of the self It feeds delusion 24/7 It renders invisible the needs of others It’s A.P. everything It’s resumé padding It’s the…
Now, maybe some U.S. citizens over 65 Remember the name “Norman Morrison” But many people in Vietnam of all ages Know that name The young Quaker immolated himself in 1965 Deliberately close to Robert McNamara’s…
1. Costa’s a film producer A Spanish gantser macher He can feel good about himself By helping the idealistic director Sebastian To realize his dream of making a revisionist movie About those dissident, trouble-making priests…
The Nixon tapes record the following urging Of President Richard Nixon to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger During the Vietnam War: “I just want you to think big, Henry For Christ sakes the only place…
Dear Shimmelstoy I’ve been thinking about our last conversation And while I have some sympathy For those who agonize about Jewish identity For me anyway it’s gotten clearer In these past few years Thank you…
Does the Buddha smile in hell? Many devoted practitioners would immediately say “Yes, of course, he is the Buddha after all” Equanimity Detachment Vast knowledge of the chain of cause and effect Would he smile as…
Thich Nhat Hanh teaches out of the Buddhist tradition: There is no separate self capable of existing on its own One thing is connected to so much else The sheet of paper is made of…