
Mechaiaeh… Pronounced m’KHY-eh, to rhyme with “messiah.” The kh sound is, of course, the way a MacTavish would roll it out. From Hebrew. Pleasure, great enjoyment, a real joy. … Mechaieh comes from the Hebrew…

Being Real

No one would really confuse a Catholic Worker type with a real ghetto person, and no one would really confuse you with a real impoverished hillbilly. You may identify with them, but they do not…

A Mentsh

For years I read him to get a bearing On the atrocities the U.S. enabled in Central America I wrote my Master’s thesis on him On Israel/Palestine and liberation theology When I met him at…

So Be It

Bella Levenshteyn After I sent you the Cardenal poem About bloody coltan cell phones You asked me what I think you should do Now that’s easy: Share your light

Letter of Recommendation

Her I call a healer who recognizes toxicity in her environment And resolves to protect herself and others accordingly Her I call a healer who swims against the fierce current Of conditioning of GPAs and…

Jottings and Notes from Cami’s Talk

Cami Kasmerchak, Appalachian Summer: To the Mountains and Back, Sunday 24  February 2013 She talked about the “call” … reminds me of Margaret Wheatley: “The notion of vocation comes from spiritual and philosophical traditions. It…

One Thought Away

In his book Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita Ram Dass writes “It’s always just one thought away The living spirit The community of our consciousness The guru within— Whatever you want to call it