Mechaiaeh… Pronounced m’KHY-eh, to rhyme with “messiah.” The kh sound is, of course, the way a MacTavish would roll it out. From Hebrew. Pleasure, great enjoyment, a real joy. … Mechaieh comes from the Hebrew…
Mechaiaeh… Pronounced m’KHY-eh, to rhyme with “messiah.” The kh sound is, of course, the way a MacTavish would roll it out. From Hebrew. Pleasure, great enjoyment, a real joy. … Mechaieh comes from the Hebrew…
No one would really confuse a Catholic Worker type with a real ghetto person, and no one would really confuse you with a real impoverished hillbilly. You may identify with them, but they do not…
The joy in hearing your stories O Cynical Optimist (Your serene green eyes Your face radiating confidence) Like that woman who looked Ten years into the future And knew with whom She needed to be…
For years I read him to get a bearing On the atrocities the U.S. enabled in Central America I wrote my Master’s thesis on him On Israel/Palestine and liberation theology When I met him at…
Bella Levenshteyn After I sent you the Cardenal poem About bloody coltan cell phones You asked me what I think you should do Now that’s easy: Share your light
Her I call a healer who recognizes toxicity in her environment And resolves to protect herself and others accordingly Her I call a healer who swims against the fierce current Of conditioning of GPAs and…
But I don’t do that with anyone in the world “But I want you to, with me”
Holy Saturday Sun shining on all Haré Rama Haré Rama Tourists juggling cameras and kids Capture this moment for later Rama Rama Haré Haré Columbia College East-West University bookstores Haré Krishna Haré Krishna
Cami Kasmerchak, Appalachian Summer: To the Mountains and Back, Sunday 24 February 2013 She talked about the “call” … reminds me of Margaret Wheatley: “The notion of vocation comes from spiritual and philosophical traditions. It…
In his book Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita Ram Dass writes “It’s always just one thought away The living spirit The community of our consciousness The guru within— Whatever you want to call it