A Poem by Heinrich Heine

Du bist wie eine Blume, so hold und schön und rein, Ich schau dich an, und Wehmut schleicht mir ins Herz hinein. Mir ist, als ob ich die Hände aufs Haupt dir legen sollt Betend,…

Message from Elias

I’ve been reading a litte bit of Chomsky and thinking about you. Here is what I liked from Chomsky’s book:  “…you do not do anything unless you’re aware that there’s something that ought to be…

Message from Roerica King

The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat…

A Poem by Anryu Suharu

When, with breaking heart, I realize This world is only a dream, The oak tree looks radiant. –Kenneth Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi, Women Poets of Japan