This Christmas Season

“Appreciation is the sacrament.” –Allen Ginsberg “If the only prayer you say in your entire life is ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” –Meister Eckhart “Be grateful to everyone.” –Buddhist mind-training slogan This Christmas season I…

Dear Monseñor

Last week in Writing to Wake Up, a topic proposed was: “Write a letter to someone (in)famous in history, someone really dastardly, or someone really inspiring.”   Dear Monseñor You were right You were/are resurrected…

The One Contains the All

There are pictures that stay in the memory as if carved with a fine chisel. Of the thousands of demolished homes I remember one house in Silwad. Of the hundreds of torture victims I see…

Litany/2 (¡Presente!)

The following was near the end in the original version of The Book of Mev. Ignacio Ellacuría, engaged intellectual, credible witness, Fearless announcer of God’s Kingdom . . . ¡Presente! Ordinary eco-friendly folk, hallowers of…

If Only It Were So

6 North Coffee Corner of Sarah and Laclede Coming in from a windy day Sitting in a booth Magan Wiles across from me Our eyes meet The wheels start turning The words come tumbling