“Whatever Gets You through the Night…”
My friend’s typical work day 90 emails to respond to 7-8 meetings to move through 3 fires to put out 5 staff people in crisis to support 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. It’s go, go,…
My friend’s typical work day 90 emails to respond to 7-8 meetings to move through 3 fires to put out 5 staff people in crisis to support 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. It’s go, go,…
One friend is increasingly bored and dissatisfied with her Christian Sunday church services. Another left her job of teaching 175 high school students a year in the public school system to volunteer for three months…
I received this post from actor, visionary, disturber of the peace, and forever maestra, Miss Magan Wiles. Professor Friend – I am excited to read your play/book/literary experience. I want to read it all in one…
Dear Bella Levenshteyn You come to my mind More times than you could imagine I won’t quote Kerouac (You’ve had enough of him, I’m sure) I’ll quote the Jewish poet and tell you: “You are…
Thích Nhất Hạnh: La vida está llena de sufrimiento, pero también ofrece muchas maravillas como el cielo azul, la luz del sol, los ojos de un niño. Sufrir no es suficiente; debemos, además, entrar en…
No sipping Northeast Coffee latte supreme with whipped cream No texting someone I’ll see in ten minutes No zoning out to Diane Rehm No penciling out the evening workout on a crumpled scratch pad No…
Dianne Lee will share her love of Langston Hughes at our Introduction to Poets on Monday 1 October from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please join us at my home at 4514 Chouteau Avenue (63110). Go…
As I offer to share a 250-page novel/collage (Dear Layla/Welcome to Palestine) With a friend here and there A typical question is– “What’s it about?” OK It’s about good mimesis It’s about memory, resistance and…
Dear Friends, Please join us for a presentation by Andrew Wimmer on the political and cultural forces at work in the on-going U.S. fixation on Iran. We meet on Sunday 23 September from 6:00 to…
Writing to Wake Up: A Course in Creativity and Community Think about it: Even with all our technologies and modes of communication, who has enough time? And yet, we need time, as community activist Grace…