Share the Wealth with Nicole McLaughlin: How Medical School Has Made Me Healthier – Wellness, Unity and Gratitude

Nicole is a second year medical student at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, a medical program well-known for its curricular changes and focus on wellness that serve to improve students’ mental health during their four years. Prior to beginning medical school, Nicole imagined the toughest years of her life, as many of us do before beginning a stressful, grueling challenge. She imagined sleeping minimally, overwhelming competitiveness with her fellow students, loss of human contact and a survival mentality. Instead, she is happy to share quite the opposite, and feels that she is the healthiest and happiest she has ever been.

In this Share the Wealth, we will explore the themes of wellness, unity and gratitude and while Nicole will explore these topics in her experiences with medicine and health, she hopes to lay the foundation for deeper reflection outside of the realm of medical education and health care professions. She is grateful for the muses, mantras, and inspirations that have served her in medical school thus far. They not only inform the type of physician she aspires to be, but more globally, the person she hopes to be.

Join us!
Sunday 10 September
Potluck dinner begins at 6 p.m.
Nicole begins sharing at 6:45
At the home of Nicole and Ale’
3862A Folsom Avenue
St. Louis MO 63110

SLU School of Medicine Class of 2020

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