The left knows that history is leaving them behind. That the momentum is no longer with their racial hucksterism, gender lunacy and cancel culture, but rather with those millions of good, working people who are sick of such eccentric ideologies and who are looking to the likes of Trump to crush them. Their wails of “Nazi!” are best seen as the rage of the left behind, the dying howls of a political clique wholly rejected by all normal people.
What is really hilarious, and almost endearing, is the left’s belief that it still has the moral authority to hold forth on “fascism.” This is a left which, for the past 15 months, following Hamas’s fascistic pogrom against the Jews of Southern Israel, has marched shoulder to shoulder with jihadists calling for further attacks on the Jewish nation. Which has mingled with radical Islamists dreaming of the return of the “Army of Muhammd” to finish off the Jews. Which has waved placards showing the Star of David mangled with the Nazi swastika to imply that Jews are now Nazis. Which has insisted that “the Zionists” control the media. And which has attended demos at which people have done literal Nazi salutes in the faces of Jews.
And they still think they can wag a finger at others for allegedly being fascist-adjacent? Oh comrades, that ship has sailed. In fact it has sunk. It is so over for you people.
—Brendan O’Neill, “Elon Musk’s salute was weird, but not fascist,” Spectator, 1.21.2025