Always Mantain only a Joyful Heart
Dear Chris, Thanks to you, I now have the following favorite Alice Walker poems from The World Will Follow Joy: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Democratic Womanism Hope to Sin Only in the Service…
Dear Chris, Thanks to you, I now have the following favorite Alice Walker poems from The World Will Follow Joy: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Democratic Womanism Hope to Sin Only in the Service…
She asked me,”Hey Shimmelstoy Are you headed to Mississippi To see Thich Nhat Hanh?” “Naw, ” I said “I already see him twice a week When I’m with Chris Wallach”
What is it that makes young men and women and boys and girls join the service and go to war? What is their experience like once they get there? Chris Wallach will share what she…
Chris and I began by sharing about last night with Sara Rendell. Then, after meditation and a reading on Dipa Ma, we drew mindfulness cards from Thich Nhat Hanh. Mine read: “There are thousands of…
During this morning’s sangha gathering, Chris invited us to do deep listening in pairs. In later sharing, something Cristina said sparked the following idea: Instead of meeting a friend for coffee, meet her for a…
“Breathing with full awareness helps our mind stop wandering in confused, never-ending thoughts.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh Chris Wallach will share her experience of mindfulness and her initiatives to incorporate mindfulness at New City School,…