Recent Reading

Sunday 11 April 2021 Dear Sarah, Thanks for your question about what I’ve been reading. Sometimes I make a plan, then other times I act entirely on instinct. So what follows are examples of each….


Just finished watching the 2005 film, Excellent Cadavers, and reading John Follain’s book, Vendetta: The Mafia, Judge Falcone, and the Quest for Justice.      

They Whispered So So Softly

We were on our honeymoon in Sicily Visiting with friends from graduate school They were both Sicilian-Americans They had moved there to start a family They had us out to their home in the country…

Facing the Facts

My life is mapped out: it is my destiny to take a bullet by the Mafia some day. The only thing I don’t know is when. —Giovanni Falcone   See how the accusations against the…