Querida Aryanna
At last After thousands of lectures Tens of thousands of test questions Innumerable essays, interviews, rotations You’re now an M.D. And in the first week of your residency!
At last After thousands of lectures Tens of thousands of test questions Innumerable essays, interviews, rotations You’re now an M.D. And in the first week of your residency!
This week I’ve had these eerie premonitions (I really need to say my mantram a few thousand times to Sri Anandamayi Ma) “Eerie” because of my selfishness Premonitions that you will be going to San…
When you are twenty-seven And at last done Done DONE with medical school We should do a marathon/festival of words Reciting poetry to each other Then writing off of the lines of Neruda, Szymborska And…
Neeta and I were happily shopping for books in Left Bank Books this afternoon, and she ended up with Roberto Bolaño’s The Savage Detectives and I left with Days of Reading by Proust. As for the inner book of…