Sayings by Maharajji

Said one devotee, “Maharajji was love incarnate. No religion, only love.”   from Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba, compiled by Ram Dass See God in everyone. It is deception to teach by…

Spiritual Passage to India

Love everyone, feed everyone, and remember God. Neem Karoli Baba I recently gave Ram Dass’s Be Here Now to Laura,  an exceptional Maryville University  graduate  and psychology major. Previously,  I had mentioned to her that…

Om Satyam Shivam Sundaram

If you’ve ever … put your faith in a guru traveled to India and were blown away and never took a single drug recited a mantram throughout the day memorized part of  chapter 2 of…

Finding Space

“Look, I know things are strained between the two of you I’m not gonna tell you to practice metta for him— Things are too tender for that— But I will tell you what his guru…

So What

Dear Srimatiji So what if David Harvey’s Marxist analysis is verified by each day’s dispiriting news? “Full effort is full victory.” So what if the interlocking system of oppressions appears stronger with each passing month?…


Happy when doesn’t faze me Happy shutting up Happy patiently watering the impatiens Happy to be Joanie’s Feldenkrais student Happy to enjoy I’m Not Bossy, I’m the Boss