Dear Daisy Zamora

(After Reading Riverbed of Memory) I admit itI am filled with guiltWe didn’t do enough back in the 80sWhen the Reaganites were determinedTo crush the RevolutionTrue, you might say, the Sandinistas were far from perfectBut…

Chomsky on Central America, 1985

Noam Chomsky, Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America& the Struggle for Peace, South End Press, 1985 The real victims of “America’s agony” are millions of suffering and tormented people throughout much of the Third…

The United States versus the Gospels

The crime of liberation theology was that it takes the Gospels seriously. That’s unacceptable. The Gospels are radical pacifist material, if you take a look at them. When the Roman emperor Constantine adopted Christianity, he…

Interstate Vision

Headed toward Indianapolis See exit for Ronald Reagan Parkway I think of 1980s See a small mountain Of Central American corpses Women & children & men The slaughtered The disappeared At the hands of contras,…

Getting away with Mass Murder

1. Years ago a student offered her honest assessment of a Social Justice class I taught: “You know, the work load in your class is overwhelming…and I tell all my friends that they have to…