I Know the Richest Person on Earth

1. In our Intercultural Studies class today Mariah, Ta’mare, and Rachel read the following stanzas Of “Our True Heritage” by Thích Nhất Hạnh: The cosmos is filled with precious gems. I want to offer a…

Two Teachers

For two of my teachers I give thanks: Cao Ngoc Phuong Khuu Vinh Ngoc Thuy I first read Phuong’s autobiography Learning True Love: How I Learned & Practiced Social Change in Vietnam When it was…

Deep Listening

“I’m sorry. We Americans have never taken responsibility for what we did.” –Lady Borton Lady Borton worked for the American Friends Service Committee in South Vietnam from 1969-1971. A decade later, she assisted Vietnamese boat…

Good Citizens/1

Dear Friends in the Sangha, I first encountered The Miracle of Being Awake (later published as The Miracle of Mindfulness) in 1982, when a monk from the Abbey of Gethsemani gave me a mimeograph of…

The Cry of Vietnam

Published in 1968, The Cry of Vietnam is a short collection of heart-breaking poems and stirring drawings by Thich Nhat Hanh and Vo-Dinh. The book’s epigraph is taken from the classic Vietnamese work, The Tale…

Tea Meditation

Our Meditation and Mindfulness Sangha meets on the second and fourth Saturdays. This morning, Cristina led us in tea meditation. She read us the following from Thích Nhất Hạnh. You must be completely awake in…


This morning, we shared the following  reflection after meditation. Someone asked Thich Nhat Hanh: “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader with the ability and the knowledge to truly transform the world into a…