A Poet’s Life
Yankev Glatshteyn worked in over fifty sweatshops. –Janet Hadda, Yankev Glatshteyn
Yankev Glatshteyn worked in over fifty sweatshops. –Janet Hadda, Yankev Glatshteyn
Everything was doomed [in 1943]: [Yankev Glatshteyn’s] people, his tradition, its language, his artistic freedom, his chances of contributing to a continuing literature. Even his awesome responsibility as the chronicler of the last days of…
Was it something I said?Was it a promise I botched? Was it something I didn’t say?Was it an important letter for your future I said I’d write, but didn’t? Was it a facial expression giving…
Joseph Leftwich, Great Yiddish Writers of the Twentieth Century The writer wakens you, the reader, he rouses you out of your indifference, he shows you the things you had not seen before, he makes your…
After finishing Hilberg’s trilogy this morning, have spent the evening with the poets: Eluard, Cardenal, Heifetz-Tussman, Glatshteyn, and Brecht.
Sholem Asch Yankev Glatshteyn Vasily Grossman Malka Heifetz-Tussman Dovid Katz Irina Klepfisz Koheleth Kadia Molodovsky Leib Rochman Chava Rosenfarb
Janet R. Hadda, Yankev Glatshteyn Twayne Publishers, 1980 Having read translations of Yankev Glatshteyn from Howe and company’s Modern Yiddish Poetry, Whitman’s Selected Poems, Zumoff’s I Keep Recalling, and also Fein’s Selected Poems, I treated…
Working on a kind of sequel to Dear Layla Welcome to Palestine, I am imagining a character named Bella Levenshteyn, who in her twenties devotes herself to learning Yiddish, the language of her ancestors. At…
Bella Levenshteyn MJ O’Hare shared the following with me Somebody in her Memphis sangha shared it with her When you were on your Yankev Glatshteyn binge You were a model to me of concentration May…
Dear Bella Levenshteyn Remember how last January You read all the Yiddish works you could find Of Yankev Glatshteyn for almost all of three weeks? Rob Renaud S.J. is on a similar binge — Nicaraguan,…