Read Margaret Smith’s biography of Rabi’a of Basra at some Lower East Side Odessa restaurant
Take refuge in late March, early April underneath the tallest trees in Queens and the Bronx
Write incandescent love poem to Roque Dalton while Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
Learn Tai Chi from old Chinese woman master early mornings in some Astoria park
Each time you are tempted, each and every time, to go to a fancy Manhattan art gallery, devote two hours to your current painting-in-progress
Go to Staten Island and light a candle for Dorothy “We have all known the long loneliness” Day: “¡Presente!”
Become avid, assiduous amateur detective to determine “The Best Pupusas in Each Borough”
When you feel out of sorts, remember your future of being a bodhisattva midwife far, far from New York
Practice using Thich Nhat Hanh’s Six Mantras in your ordinary, train-riding life
Photo by Katie Madges