Facing The Facts/4

Reminiscence from Sister Marian Cowan, Mev’s spiritual director It was with deep pain that I recall the two calls in which Mev informed me of her brain tumor and subsequently asked me to be present…

I See You by Rachel Dratnol

To my fellow OTs, the PTs and SLPs, the nurses and NPs, the PCTs and unit clerks, the case managers and social workers, the MDs and PAs, the respiratory therapists and patient transporters, the environmental…

The Imperative To Remember

  Anyone who does not actively, constantly engage in remembering and in making others remember is an accomplice of the enemy. Conversely, whoever opposes the enemy must take the side of his victims and communicate…

Bullet the Blue Sky

But most men, it seems to me, do not care for Nature and would sell their share in all her beauty, as long as they may live, for a stated sum—many for a glass of…

Think Small

Today my friend Lucy, an ICU nurse in Idaho, sent me a text expressing her gratitude for the solace she received from a very short chapter in my book, Dear Layla Welcome to Palestine.  

Recent Tweets by AOC

The cruise industry registers as foreign companies to avoid paying US taxes. Now they want US bailout money. Now the same Republicans who say immigrants who pay US taxes shouldn’t get help are bending over…

Beautiful Anarchists

Howard Zinn, Emma: A Play in Two Acts About Emma Goldman, American Anarchist Those photos of Dorothy Day— Like the one you saw in the office at the Catholic Woker Where you were first scouted…