An American Satyagrahi

Brooke Adams sent me this message: Thought of you when I saw this cause you taught me what it meant.   Mohandas Gandhi: “A satyagrahi bids good-bye to fear. She is therefore never afraid of trusting…

Sunday’s Agenda

The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta Swami Prabhavananda Sunday 28 February 2016 Self-Realization! All religions are true inasmuch as they lead to one and the same goal: God-realization. But arguments will not prove…

On Bhakti Yoga

1. Allen Ginsberg: Well, the Hindus say that this is the Kali Age or Kali Yuga or Kali Cycle, and we are all so sunk in matter, the five senses are matter, sense, that they…

So What

Dear Srimatiji So what if David Harvey’s Marxist analysis is verified by each day’s dispiriting news? “Full effort is full victory.” So what if the interlocking system of oppressions appears stronger with each passing month?…