Something I Came across in Tablet

Consider, for a moment, the road traveled by many American Jews these past 15 months. One day, they were members in good standing of a virtuous, unimpeachable community of people who attended the finest schools,…


Celia Farber’s work is journalism at its best—solid, lucid, and humane, attacking wrongs that few dare touch, and thereby helping right them, and doing so with uncommon literary grace (and flashes of a devastating humor)….

Andrew & Joan

Andrew Ivers continues to guide me when it comes to the delights of the Western Canon. Last week I asked him where I should start with Joan Didion and without hesitation he suggested Slouching towards…

Two Questions from Glenn Greenwald

Does anyone really believe that there are massive gaps — massive gaps –between the world view of multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi and multi-millionaire Mitch McConnell, both of whom are married to people who also wield extreme…

Reckoning with Ourselves

I recently finished a course with my friends Dianne Lee and Martín Antonio Zaldívar-Barragán, “Reckoning with Russia, War, and Ourselves.” We read and discussed Tolstoy, Kuznetsov, Alexievich, and Politkovskaya. I invite you to check out…

Glenn Greenwald and the Gospels

Today I received by email a Substack article by Glenn Greenwald, which is worth reading: Values and Character v. Political Identity: Some Personal Reflections–“The Brazilian firefighter, union leader, evangelical and ex-Congressman Cabo Daciolo was once…

Ed Snowden, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald

Check out Matt Taibbi’s article today, The Washington Post Dabbles in Orwell: In scrubbed piece about Edward Snowden, the Bezos Post offers a preview of how history will be re-written. Here’s the penultimate paragraph: “That…

Patisotagāmi and NATO

The following will offer you a different take on Russia, Ukraine, and NATO than you hear in the mainstream media: Russell Brand with Aaron Maté: We Have Been Lied To… [11.5 minutes] Scott Ritter: NATO…