Max’s Ire

Dear Bella I receive daily or weekly emails from Algemeiner, the Forward, Chabad, Mondoweiss, Jewcy, ZNet, and Tikkun,  which gives me interesting spectrum of opinion on what’s going on. I thought I’d share this with…

This Is the Truth

Dear _______________ When you are having a tough time living in ____________– Bluesy weary wondering “What the fuck was I thinking?” Accusing yourself of selling out– Take a minute or five And think of all…

A Disciple and His Guru

Dear Max, I never read Christopher Isherwood until this summer.  What drew me to him was not his  fictional  output but his spiritual journey.  My Guru and His Disciple is his engaging memoir of several…

Sunday Afternoon

Sitting outside at Stella and Bella’s Cafe The Presidential debate two hours away Reading Su Tung-P’o’s bamboo poem Will Clinton deliver the knock-out blow? On my ballot, I’ll write in: Chuang Tzu –from novel-in-progress, Our Heroic…

Tête-à-tête, Por Favor

Perry! “Welcome Back” isn’t going to cut it. We are going to have to have a tête-à-tête After carefully scrutinizing my extremely packed schedule, I have concluded that the following days are available for you to choose…