Three Anthologies

Cristina, As you continue your journey into the world of poetry, I can enthusiastically recommend the following anthologies compiled by Eliot Weinberger: The New Directions Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry American Poetry since 1950: Innovators and…

Poetry Is Endless

I keep in one file  poems I love It’s my own anthology I read & reread poems at least a half hour every day I have many more to add… (Like Li Ch’ing-Chao, Du Fu,…

Summer Poetry Reading List 2014

Ernesto Cardenal, Apocalypse and Other Poems Ernesto Cardenal, Flights of Victory/Vuelos de Victoria Ernesto Cardenal, From Nicaragua with Love Ernesto Cardenal, Golden UFOs: The Indian Poems Ernesto Cardenal, Pluriverse: New and Selected Poems Ernesto Cardenal, Psalms Ernesto Cardenal, The Doubtful Strait Ernesto Cardenal, Zero Hour…

From Walt through Me to You

Allons! the road is before us! It is safe—I have tried it—my own feet have tried it well. Allons! be not detain’d! Let the paper remain on the desk unwritten, and the book on the…

Crucifixion & Resurrection

1. All that could happen to one who joined: Imprisoned, hooded, beaten, castrated, eyes pulled out, Buried alive, burned alive. 2. When I saw the disinterred bones of the two of you I remembered you…


Exteriorismo is a poetry created with images of the exterior world, the world we see and sense, and that is, in general, the specific world of poetry. Exteriorismo is objective poetry: narrative and anecdote, made…

Simple Words

Give back my father, give back my mother; Give grandpa back, grandma back; Give my sons and daughters back. Give me back myself. Give back the human race. As long as this life lasts, this…

For Eileen

The mists rise over The still pools at Asuka. Memory does not Pass away so easily. –Yamabe no Akahito, 8th century translated by Kenneth Rexroth