Cal Newport, Again

In addition, as demonstrated during the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, online discussion seems to accelerate people’s shift toward emotionally charged and draining extremes. The techno‑philosopher Jaron Lanier convincingly argues that the primacy of…


Nathalie Vanderlinden takes a passion for Proust to a new, public level! Though Proust had a Jewish mother, he seems to me neither Christian nor Jewish. His wisdom is his own, and though it has…


1. Thoughts of the past and future spoil your time. –Dipa Ma, in Amy Schmidt, Dipa Ma: The Life and Teachings of a Buddhist Master    2. If I had to use one single word to…

The Good News of Dipa Ma

Dear Friends, There’s a phrase I came across in the last twenty years—“news you can use”—which I think came from one of Pema Chödrön ’s books. Which reminds me of U.S. poet Ezra Pound’s version…

Medicine for the Sick

The Dalai Lama: We should have this [compassion] from the depths of our heart, as if it were nailed there. Such compassion is not merely concerned with a few sentient beings such as friends and…

With Gratitude for Amy Schimdt

I am happy to be able to introduce friends to Dipa Ma in our “Facing the Future” class beginning next week: Because Dipa Ma was able literally to see through the stories of the mind,…