Keep It Simple

If you are mindful, you can choose with wisdom how to respond. If you are not mindful, your life is run by reactivity. It’s up to you. –Munindra, teacher of Jospeh Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, &…

What’s Possible

1. If one really wishes to be master of an art, technical knowledge of it is not enough. One has to transcend technique so that the art becomes an “artless art” growing out of the…

After Kishinev

I’ve shared this story with hundreds of friends and students over the years. After a pogrom in Russia in 1903, the author was invited to contribute to a literary collection to be circulated to aid…

Sages of the One-Liners

Guy Davenport, Herakleitos and Diogenes Grey Fox Press, 1981 Scholar and translator  Davenport  retrieves from the ancient Greek world  two thinkers who have the knack for concision.  The following  is a small culling that may…