Bodhisattva Training

To me, the Five Mindfulness Trainings are the substance of a bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is a living being animated by the strong desire to help awaken other people, relieve their suffering, and bring them happiness….


The original sin of the prevailing world system has first of all been colonial domination. This is the first sin; all the others in the system spring from it. The greater sins are those that…

A Brief Consideration of Napalm

1. American Heritage Dictionary Napalm, incendiary material used in bombs and flame throwers. Developed during World War II, napalm is a mixture of gasoline (sometimes mixed with other petroleum fuels) and a thickening agent. The…

Sufrir no es suficiente

Thích Nhất Hạnh: La vida está llena de sufrimiento, pero también ofrece muchas maravillas como el cielo azul, la luz del sol, los ojos de un niño. Sufrir no es suficiente; debemos, además, entrar en…


No sipping Northeast Coffee latte supreme with whipped cream No texting someone I’ll see in ten minutes No zoning out to Diane Rehm No penciling out the evening workout on a crumpled scratch pad No…