How To Generate/Instigate Community

Invite 4 people over for a potluck and movie; I recommend Branagh’s Belfast.

Do a regular Zoom with 2 or 3 of your best SLU friends, say every quarter, with or without certain topics, questions or themes [“What’s community like for you where you are?”]

Offer a workshop by Zoom, “Immigration 101,” and invite people who’ve been part of our classes, say, a Saturday morning—presentation, interviews,  talks, dialogues, 9 to 12 noon.  Think of Dianne…

Find a poetry pal and share your favorites with one another, with or without commentary.

For the remaining poems you haven’t shared (you wrote them a year ago, yes?), put oen in the mail  every Tuesday to someone in your life, with or without commentary.

After Mass, invite someone to go have lunch or coffee or a walk

Decide a question you are going to investigate for the next six months and then tell whoever you want to know about this quest.

Pick a spiritual writer you’ve been meaning to explore, and then share your thoughts with me, Natalie, Katrina, TJ, and Liv… it could be one paragraph.

Find out which of your SLU friends has a blog, and visit regularly, and leave comments.  Be appreciative.

Do you remember Martin Zaldivar? He’s in Tulsa.  You two should Zoom, regularly.  A most beautiful human being.

These are off the top of my head in ten minutes, having just read your sweet letter to me, this Monday 21 November 2022.


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