As we prepare to bid farewell to another year, and welcome a new one, join Jennifer Reyes Lay in reflecting on the different communities of liberation which help her to live more mindfully, take control of her life, and develop a deeper connection to God and the world.
Jennifer will share some of her journey of discovering what’s important, what works for her, and joining or building communities of support. There is no single answer or path for each of us to live the deep, rich lives we desire.
Join in the discussion and share your own insights, the communities you participate in, and reflect on how you can focus on you this new year and come home to your true self and the life you want to live.
Sunday 30 December 2012
At the home of Laura and Josh Aranda & Tony Albrecht
6312 West Park Avenue in Dogtown
Potluck begins at 6 pm
Jennifer’s sharing begins at 6:45.

photo by Jennifer Reyes Lay