Today’s One-Liner (#74)

Think, when you look at people, at their recent birth, their childhood, or their imminent death—and you will love them: such frail creatures.  –Abram Tertz (Andrei Sinyavsky), A Voice from the Chorus

Today’s One-Liner (#42)

Think, when you look at people, at their recent birth, their childhood, or their imminent death—and you will love them: such frail creatures.  –Abram Tertz, A Voice from the Chorus

We Inter-Are/1

What I mostly feel in myself is my father and mother, you, Yegor, Pushkin, Gogol. A whole crowd. They all colour my perception of reality, share my destiny and go with me wherever I am…

Making and Taking Notes

When anything of interest happens within or around me  I make a mental note to tell you about it, and it is this habit of thinking of things in connection with you that gives them…

Scoffers and Seers

“They all laughed at him. Particularly a lieutenant-colonel….’I am a lieutenant-colonel,’ he said, ‘but I’ve never  met any God in all my life. Where is He, your Christ? Has anyone  ever seen Him?’ ‘I have,’…


I did not know the light and I thought there was no truth in life. But having become convinced that people could only live by this light, I began to seek its source and I…