The Roles That Made It Possible

Neither superhuman nor subhuman Neither God Nor animal Nor monster. But always simply Additional kinds of humans: The bomb droppers The capo The body burners The throat slashers The exterminators in the forest The scalpers…

Hold It All

Hold it all The sun blasting away and the clouds offering respite June 1968 and July 1988 The nights I used to work at the Bristol Bar and Grill and the mornings Sara Wall worked…


Sunday 2 December 2012 Thanks to Daisy Frenchwell for helping with raking the yard and making a delicious fruit salad Thanks to the all people who liked today’s photo of a tanned, twenty-year-old Mev in…

Righteous Jews

for Hedy Epstein A reflection on Roane Carey and Jonathan Shanin, ed., The Other Israel: Voices of Refusal and Dissent (New York: The New Press, 2002). 1. When I came back from Palestine after working…